An Unpleasant Farewell

The relationships between Daniel and his daughter Angela had rekindled, since she had gotten over Dustin, and came to appreciate that Dad had been right about him all along. Now a young lady, Angela was studying for college, and Daniel couldn't have been more supportive of this. He wished like anything that he could've had just one daughter, Angela, because Lilith was still really annoying.

But all that was set to change.
Kaylynn had been sneaking into the back during the early hours of the morning, and Mary-Sue had spotted her coming back from work.
Angela watched in astonishment. He never knew her Mum could throw a punch like that!
Daniel had mysteriously gone into hiding after the fight, but that was fine by Mary-Sue. There was nothing she needed to say to him, although she did have some words for her daughters before she would move out.

'I wanna come with!' Lilith replied, 'I hate Dad!'
'No, you must stay here. I have a career, and it's very important to me. Pleasantview needs democracy, and only Mr. Burb and I can accomplish that! Your father has time for you two, but I do not.'

'Don't take what I just did to Kaylynn as an example, Angela,' she said, 'fighting is not a way to solve your problems!'
'Sure, Mum.'

And so, Mary-Sue left the Pleasant home, with no plans to return again.
With Mary-Sue gone, Lilith decided to skip school and visit Dustin instead, but the police caught her and brought her back.
'You can't control me! This town sucks! I'ma go live wit Dustin!'
'You know what, Lilith?' Daniel replied, 'I don't care. After all these years living with you, I just don't care.' And he walked off, slamming the door behind his daughter.
Chapter Two
In With the Oldies
Mary-Sue had to find some new place to live, and she couldn't think of any friends to stay with. Since she was a workaholic, she hadn't made many friends. In the end she decided to go see her parents.

'Where's... Mum?' she said,
'Your mother is... passed on.'
'What? Why didn't you tell me?'
'I have been too sick to let you know. It only happened recently, but her tombstone is out there. I thought someone else would've told you. I don't have much longer to go, either.'
'You're sick too?'
'Yes, I'm afraid. But I don't want to bother you with that. I want to know how you've been. Let's have dinner. You must be hungry.'
Herb served up some rotten ham sandwiches, and Mary-Sue started talking about her career with John Burb, but more importantly, her break up with Daniel.
'Daniel's going through a midlife crisis', she said, 'and he's angry at the whole family. He really wanted to date some new girls.'
And so, Mary-Sue was now living with her old father.
After Mary-Sue went off to work, Herb sat there, chewing on his mouldy sandwich, thinking about what she had said about Daniel. He always thought it'd be nice to have another go at the dating game. Sure, he was extremely old, sick and dying, but it was worth a shot!
And so, Herb got on his best slacks and prepared for a night on the town.

'You'll be the death of me, woman!' he screamed, as she left.
Herb also followed Daniel's advice of hiring Kaylynn as a maid, but the two just had long, drawn out conversations about literature.
Chapter Three:
Out with the Oldies

After all, he was getting sicker and sicker. He didn't have much longer to make a choice. He drank the elixir.
Empowered by the drink, Herb bought himself a hot tub, and within minutes, Herb got lucky with some random girl named Sandy.

And on Mary-Sue's birthday, the whole family got together. However, both Lilith and Angela saw each other, and got into a massive fight. The Sim Reaper came over, certain he would be needed.
But then he saw Herb, and set his sights on him.
'You there!' the reaper shouted, 'I know you! You've been trying to escape from me using that potion of Mortimer's! Well, I've got you now. Time's up, buddy!'

'Aww, come on', Herb said, 'can't I just have a few more
days? I've made such progress...'
'Sorry gramps,' Daniel shouted, 'you heard the man, your time is up.'
'Hey, it's not like I love this job,' the reaper added, 'it gets rather depressing at points. Don't make it any more difficult for me. Just come along quietly, and your guests can get back to the party.'
'Ah, fine,' Herb said. 'Well, it was a good life while it lasted.'
And so, Mary-Sue's family was long gone. Her parents who raised her had left this world, and the family she left behind had left her life. All that remained of her was her career.
But nonetheless, she had Herb buried right next to Carol, as he had wished. And Mary-Sue would cry, because in between the times in which she was working, she would remember, she was just as much of a Sim as anyone else.

Out with the oldies, and in with the newbies. That's how it is in Pleasantview...
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