Series 2; Episode 4:
Lilith Leaves then Leaves Again
Chapter 1:
Lilith Leaves

Previously on the History of Pleasantview, Lilith is disgruntled by the lack of attention she receives from her family members during such a fragile *period* of her life, and tells them she is leaving, and never coming back. Her father is used to hearing this kind of talk, thus he welcomes her out the door, unaware that this time, SHE ACTUALLY MEANT IT.
Lilith was not coming back.

Dustin insisted that she go somewhere else, but she never relented. Dustin simply couldn't turn down a homeless girl. And when Beau moved out to University, the time was right. Lilith moved in to Woodland Drive, along with the strange former burglar Gordon King.
When Lilith moved in and starting sleeping in Dustin's bed, they officially became a couple, and so, they decided to do what most destitute young couples do during troubled financial times - have a baby. Before Dustin realize what he was doing, it was too late. He was going to become a father.

strengthen the optimism. He was rarely present at home, unless to host a big party or to sleep. His life barely changed since having a child, and one would not assume a baby was being raised in the hellhole of 55 Woodland Drive.
Just as she was during her childhood, she was being ignored, hidden away in the dark corners. This was Lilith's lot in life, and it seemed it would remain that way. While Dustin partied and played the days away, Lilith spend her time watching over young Kane and reading old books. But she was not unhappy, because she still had faith in the future. But Dustin be testing that faith soon enough.
Chapter 2:
Lilith Leaves Again
Not too long after Lilith gave birth, her sister Angela graduated from University with a Major in Natural Sciences. To celebrate, Dustin decided to throw a rad, wild party to celebrate. Of course, Angela wasn't there, but he looked for any excuse.
He decided this would be the sickest, maddest party Woodland drive had ever seen. He invited everybody - his friends; people he knew; people he sort of knew and people he didn't know. That included all his old lady friends, such as Tosha Go. He was so keen to have everyone over that he forgot what had happened between Lilith and Tosha last season!

But that didn't matter to Dustin. The moment he laid eyes on Tosha, he couldn't stop thinking to himself 'I just wanna have sex with that girl.'

He approached Tosha for the first time in ages. The last time, they had been children, now they were children in adult bodies.
'Long time no see,' spoke Tosha

'Long time no sex, either,' replied Dustin. Before you know it, they were fondling, right in the presence of tiny little Orlando Bertino who had been invited for no reason. But thanks to young Orlando, the word got out about Dustin's cheating. Dustin had learned his lesson about inviting little snitches who couldn't handle the real world, but Lilith was still furious.
She didn't confront Dustin. What would be the point? She had known Dustin to cheat in the past, and she forgave him. Did she simply expect having a baby with him would change him forever? Despite the fact that he had not changed at all since Kane was born? Hell, she was pretty sure he didn't even know he was called Kane.
She simply approached Dustin with Kane in her hands, and said 'Dustin, I'm leaving, and you can take your child! See how you like raising him without my help!'
'Wait, Lilith!' Dustin shouted, 'don't leave me! I can change, I tell ya! I CAN CHANGE!'
'Don't worry about her,' Gordon King said.
'You're probably right. I never thought of it that way.' Dustin said, and they continued partying as Lilith disappeared into the darkness.
He decided this would be the sickest, maddest party Woodland drive had ever seen. He invited everybody - his friends; people he knew; people he sort of knew and people he didn't know. That included all his old lady friends, such as Tosha Go. He was so keen to have everyone over that he forgot what had happened between Lilith and Tosha last season!

But that didn't matter to Dustin. The moment he laid eyes on Tosha, he couldn't stop thinking to himself 'I just wanna have sex with that girl.'

He approached Tosha for the first time in ages. The last time, they had been children, now they were children in adult bodies.
'Long time no see,' spoke Tosha

'Long time no sex, either,' replied Dustin. Before you know it, they were fondling, right in the presence of tiny little Orlando Bertino who had been invited for no reason. But thanks to young Orlando, the word got out about Dustin's cheating. Dustin had learned his lesson about inviting little snitches who couldn't handle the real world, but Lilith was still furious.
She didn't confront Dustin. What would be the point? She had known Dustin to cheat in the past, and she forgave him. Did she simply expect having a baby with him would change him forever? Despite the fact that he had not changed at all since Kane was born? Hell, she was pretty sure he didn't even know he was called Kane.
She simply approached Dustin with Kane in her hands, and said 'Dustin, I'm leaving, and you can take your child! See how you like raising him without my help!'
'Wait, Lilith!' Dustin shouted, 'don't leave me! I can change, I tell ya! I CAN CHANGE!'
'Don't worry about her,' Gordon King said.
'You're probably right. I never thought of it that way.' Dustin said, and they continued partying as Lilith disappeared into the darkness.
And so, Lilith has taken another wrong step on her journey. But with it she will take caution for the future. Ever since she was a little child, Lilith has been on a journey to discover who, if anybody, will accept her for who she is. Where will she go to now? Who will take her? Find out on future installments of the greatest series of all time!