
Series 2.1; Episode 5: The Wicked Woes of Goth Manor

Series 2; Episode 5:
The Wicked Woes of Goth Manor

Chapter One:
The Attic

With Mortimer gone, Dina was at lost of what to do with her own life. She couldn't piece two thoughts together for herself, let alone her kids. All alone in the brooding mansion, she came to realize just how isolated she now was.

The first thing Dina did was organize laborers to bring the baby cots and changing tables upstairs, into the attic. She figured it could be only beneficial if she were away from the sound of endless crying. They would have their own space to develop and communicate with each other undisturbed. 
She had organized the layout for her children's future perfectly, having spent plenty of Mortimer's money on expanding the attic, and furnishing it to make it at least halfway habitable by human beings. It would have its own toiletries and fridge, as well as books for occupying the time.

But the hard part came when it involved actual parenting. She couldn't stand their constant need for attention. After all, she was the center of attention, and it was horrific to see the tables turn. She had never spent time with anyone unless it made her money, and she wasn't making a single cent for doing this! Sleepless night after sleepless night of changing nappies, foul smells and echoing cries, she had had enough. She wasn't made for parenting. But what could she do?

But then she had a brainwave - Yes, she wasn't being paid to be a parent, but she could always pay someone else to do it!

Chapter Two
 The Nannies 

'Here they are', spoke Dina to the horrified Nanny, Celista Despret, as she handed her a thick wad of Mortimer's simoleons. 'The ugly one is Dedra, the pretty one is Nevarina. The rest is up to you.'

There would be at least two nannies per day - a night nanny, Karen Gast, and a day nanny – Celista. Karen would tidy up and care while they were asleep, and Celesta would arrive in the morning, and spend the rest of the daylight tending to the children's needs in the attic. As long as they did their job, Dina hoped she should be able to live her life without and acknowledgement of the children's existence, apart from the occasional entry and exit of one of the nannies.

However, the workers weren't treated well. Dina refused to feed them nor accommodate them in any way, even during the full day shifts. She was harsh, constantly telling them off for minor things. Eventually, the stress became too much for the nannies, and they both died from exhaustion. The Sim Reaper was so disgusted by Dina's treatment of them, he demanded that Dina keep their ashes in urns within Goth Manor. Those urns remain there to this day.

Neither Dedra nor Nevarina would know that, even at such a young age, death had already been called on behalf of them. The two girls would never learn that the Sim Reaper had placed the shadow of curse to linger above their destiny for the ages to come... 

'I'm warning you,' the Sim Reaper spoke to Dina, 'never cause death on behalf of a child. If you do that, you will taint their innocence forever. I'm letting you off with a warning this time, but if it happens again, these girls will be cursed for all eternity, and this curse will pass on through the generations...  Their blood will be tainted by death. You have been warned.'

Chapter Three: 
The Outside World

As Dedra and Nevarina grew older, their life remained in the same dim shadows of monotony, as they prayed to the creators for something better, or brighter days in the future. Until then, all they could do is pursue the few objects of entertainment at their disposal...
Nevarina would read the same books over and over again to the point where she could recite them off by heart. Her favorites were science fiction novels. Dedra, on the other hand, would play the violin, creating monotonous, sombre lines with nothing to base her inspiration on.

As their personalities developed, they slowly split apart. Dedra was quiet and reflective; Nevarina was loud and boisterous. Their frustrations externalized as dislike for each other, and they began to argue and fight. Throughout their childhood they got into fistfights on 20 occasions, with Nevarina winning most of them, overpowering her quiet twin sister.

 The pressure of keeping two growing girls isolated from the rest of the world proved too much for Dina. She wanted to have nannies around to tend to them and keep them occupied and subdued, but after the horror stories of the previous nannies leaked out, no caregiver in SimNation would go near the town, and finally, Dina had to realize that according to Sim Law, the children would have to go to school, whether she liked it or not. All her inherited fortune couldn't change that.

Dina adapted to the situation, and decided to do that which she hoped she would never have to, and she let them out of the confines of the attic, allowing them to roam the mansion freely. Nor forced to socialize with her daughters, it was awkward for Dina at first. For one reason, she didn't know how to talk of anything but WooHooing and partying, and she soon learned that wasn't appropriate conversation for children.

However, in time, she found communicating with her daughters easier than she expected. She encouraged them to study as much as possible, but this is when she began noticing differences between the two girls. Dedra, who seemed more disciplined with her violin, devoted more time to study, whereas Nevarina, who spent most of her youth reading science fiction books, was less interested in learning. One possible reason for this was the ghost of Don Lothario, which haunted her at night. Dedra, who showed much more intelligence, didn't believe her sister.

  Dedra's grades at school soon reached A+, whereas the unfocused Nevarina stuck with D's. Although Nevarina, who physically and mentally resembled her mother, it was still Dedra, nonetheless, whom Dina favoured. This was not because Dina felt she had anything in common with Dedra – she didn't, but rather, because she was a mother who liked to be proud of her daughter. And Dedra, who had just been accepted into an academic music studio, made her mother proud, where Nevarina didn't.

Dedra would finish her work quicker than Nevarina, giving her more time to play the violin. Dina and Dedra would often jam together

However, there was one thing about Dedra that bothered Dina. While Nevarina was a near duplicate of her mother, Dedra bore a strong resemblence to Mortimer, so much that she almost 

felt as if she were looking into the eyes of her deceased husband. She didn't like to think about Mortimer, nor anything from the past, for it was there a lot of dark secrets for both the Goth and Caliente family lay, and she hoped her daughters would never have to know. Perhaps, she considered, that is why she had wanted to keep them locked away. To think of them walking about the carpet where Don Lothario's body once lay – that was a concept which horrified a very small part of her. If she could pay the past to go away with her thousands of simoleons, she would.
lot of dark secrets for both the Goth and Caliente family lay, and she hoped her daughters would never have to know. Perhaps, she considered, that is why she had wanted to keep them locked away. To think of them walking about the carpet where Don Lothario's body once lay – that was a concept which horrified a very small part of her. If she could pay the past to go away with her thousands of simoleons, she would.

But the past was destined to find its way into the life of her daughters. Nevarina, who had found little affection nor appreciation within her home, began seeking it elsewhere, trying to make as many friends as possible at school. It was there she met a young boy named Donald Goth, who turned out to be her half-nephew. Invited over to the Goth mansion, they talked and played with each other. The Full joy and innocence of childhood disturbed Dina as she watched, for they didn't know, and wouldn't know for a long time, the story of their fathers. Young Donald did not know why he was without a Dad, nor what Nevarina's Dad had to do with it. However, things won't stay a secret for ever... They couldn't. Or can they?

Season 2.1; Episode 4: Lilith Leaves then Leaves Again

Series 2; Episode 4: 

Lilith Leaves then Leaves Again

Chapter 1: 
Lilith Leaves

Previously on the History of Pleasantview, Lilith is disgruntled by the lack of attention she receives from her family members during such a fragile *period* of her life, and tells them she is leaving, and never coming back. Her father is used to hearing this kind of talk, thus he welcomes her out the door, unaware that this time, SHE ACTUALLY MEANT IT. 
Lilith was not coming back.

The first person Lilith turned to upon leaving home, was the only person she ever felt loved her - Dustin Broke, but it was a difficult time for Dustin, who had become a hardened street thug, flinging with heaps of Pleasantview's young ladies. Lilith was in such a state of desperation that she refused to see that Dustin wasn't interested. She insisted that he loved her, that she was the only girl for him.

Dustin insisted that she go somewhere else, but she never relented. Dustin simply couldn't turn down a homeless girl. And when Beau moved out to University, the time was right. Lilith moved in to Woodland Drive, along with the strange former burglar Gordon King.
When Lilith moved in and starting sleeping in Dustin's bed, they officially became a couple, and so, they decided to do what most destitute young couples do during troubled financial times - have a baby. Before Dustin realize what he was doing, it was too late. He was going to become a father.

Within a matter of days, Lilith's stomach swelled twofold; her thighs expanded all the way down to her heels and her skin turned the color of bleached cement mixed with stale milk. She started gorging on food; which only worsened the situation; and she spent most of her time vomiting into Dustin's toilet. Funnily enough, the pregnancy didn't stop her from pursuing her bubble blowing addiction, despite the doctor's endless warnings of Fetal Bubble Syndrome. The childbirth was long and painful, but it turned out well in the end. She named the baby Kane, after her favorite pro wrestler.

Kane was a downright nuisance, throwing up on her face all the time, but Lilith had been through worse. She just hoped it would pay off eventually, and one day Dustin would quit his criminal activities, become a successful doctor/lawyer and pay more attention to his family. Everything was riding on Dustin's continued support, so we cannot blame Lilith for being a bit optimistic.
But Dustin did little to 
strengthen the optimism. He was rarely present at home, unless to host a big party or to sleep. His life barely changed since having a child, and one would not assume a baby was being raised in the hellhole of 55 Woodland Drive.

 Just as she was during her childhood, she was being ignored, hidden away in the dark corners. This was Lilith's lot in life, and it seemed it would remain that way. While Dustin partied and played the days away, Lilith spend her time watching over young Kane and reading old books. But she was not unhappy, because she still had faith in the future. But Dustin be testing that faith soon enough.

Chapter 2: 
Lilith Leaves Again

Not too long after Lilith gave birth, her sister Angela graduated from University with a Major in Natural Sciences. To celebrate, Dustin decided to throw a rad, wild party to celebrate. Of course, Angela wasn't there, but he looked for any excuse.

He decided this would be the sickest, maddest party Woodland drive had ever seen. He invited everybody - his friends; people he knew; people he sort of knew and people he didn't know. That included all his old lady friends, such as Tosha Go. He was so keen to have everyone over that he forgot what had happened between Lilith and Tosha last season!

But that didn't matter to Dustin. The moment he laid eyes on Tosha, he couldn't stop thinking to himself 'I just wanna have sex with that girl.' 

He approached Tosha for the first time in ages. The last time, they had been children, now they were children in adult bodies. 

'Long time no see,' spoke Tosha

'Long time no sex, either,' replied Dustin. Before you know it, they were fondling, right in the presence of tiny little Orlando Bertino who had been invited for no reason. But thanks to young Orlando, the word got out about Dustin's cheating. Dustin had learned his lesson about inviting little snitches who couldn't handle the real world, but Lilith was still furious.

She didn't confront Dustin. What would be the point? She had known Dustin to cheat in the past, and she forgave him. Did she simply expect having a baby with him would change him forever? Despite the fact that he had not changed at all since Kane was born? Hell, she was pretty sure he didn't even know he was called Kane. 

She simply approached Dustin with Kane in her hands, and said 'Dustin, I'm leaving, and you can take your child! See how you like raising him without my help!'

'Wait, Lilith!' Dustin shouted, 'don't leave me! I can change, I tell ya! I CAN CHANGE!'

'Don't worry about her,' Gordon King said.

'You're probably right. I never thought of it that way.' Dustin said, and they continued partying as Lilith disappeared into the darkness.

And so, Lilith has taken another wrong step on her journey. But with it she will take caution for the future. Ever since she was a little child, Lilith has been on a journey to discover who, if anybody, will accept her for who she is. Where will she go to now? Who will take her? Find out on future installments of the greatest series of all time!

Series 2.1; Episode 3: Angela Goes To Uni

Series 2; Episode 3: 


Chapter 1
Packed Up

We take off directly after the events of last season at the Pleasant household. Lilith, skulking fiendishly about the household, is eager to leave the broken home in her mother's wake. Finally, she gathers up the courage to make the announcement:

'I'ma go lif wiv ma boyfriend! Ain't nuttin' yu can do abowt all dat!'
'Please Lilith, be quiet,' Dad replied, 'I'm trying to help your sister with her exam revision.'
'Besides, he's not your boyfriend anymore', Angela remarked, 'he's with Tosha Go at the moment,'
'Nun o' yall know shit!' and she stormed out the door for the twelfth time that day. Except this time, she didn't come back.
With the annoying reject out of the way, Daniel began spending more time with his preferred daughter. Sim State University announced they were handing out scholarships for high-school students, and Angela, with only a few days of school left, had to prove herself to the board if she were to get that beautiful cheque. Gone were the days of the great outdoors, catching bugs, watching birds and going for hikes along the nature trails. She would now have to stay inside and study like never before. Daniel began tutoring and coaching Angela daily, determined to see at least one of his daughters succeed in life. Cramming for the scholarship was hard work, and she lost a lot of quality sleeping time. The stress with building up within Angela.
Eventually, Daniel found her a study-aid, the Noodle-soother, a high-tech experimental device designed by Mortimer Goth before his death - a device which would help her to stay focused for longer. A seemingly docile and friendly device at first, it worked by shooting highly focused electrodes into the pineal and pituitary glands of the brain. Some people considered the noodle-soother to be a form of brainwashing and/or cheating, but she didn't care.
In her eyes, the noodle-soother was the coolest thing on the planet, and as long as she passed her exam and got into college, she would be happy. Besides, it wasn't illegal. Angela had been acquiring A's and A-'s just days before finishing high school, but she required at least one A+ before graduation. With it being just Daniel and Angela in the house, he was able to provide his daughter with the necessary support. Ah, it was a long, grueling period of Angela's life, one which she wouldn't hasten to repeat, but she managed to survive, although just barely. Her face broke out in acne, she lost strands of hair, her cheeks went gaunt and pale like Lilith's, but by the end up it, she had the distinguished SimCity Scholar's Grant, and Sim State University welcomed her with open arms. She also inherited some money from her deceased Grandpa Herb.
Having gotten off to a good start, Angela was looking forward to college. The Pleasant household had not, until the last few moments of her time living there, been an environment that encouraged learning.  Mum was constantly preoccupied with work, the daughters just did whatever they wanted, and Dad was mostly forgotten about. As a result, Angela embraced the warm, yet down to earth college atmosphere which stood in stark contrast to that of her old home. There were young people everywhere, but they were neither spoiled like Lilith nor trashy like Dustin. Rather, an honest mix in between. Angela enjoyed the company, although her social life wasn't her main priority at Uni. She wanted to study, but that begs the question - study what?

Unlike her father, she had waited long enough in life to decide upon what she was really passionate about, and that was, the outdoors. Her planned major was biology.

But before she could register a major, she would have to find out where she would lodge. Thanks to the scholarship, she could have stayed at one of the nearby Varsity houses. She could have possibly even entered the sorority, but she didn't like the idea of either being shut off from the rest of the school, or sharing a house with some self-righteous sorority girls. In the end, she decided to unpack in one of the college dorms. A cheap single room was enough for her. There were cockroaches all over the dormitory, but she didn't mind. Bugs were one of the love of her life.
Angela had a fulfilling time at college. She made many friends, including Nanae Phillipine and Sadie Oates, she made it onto the Dean's list, and joined Peerless Park - an environmentalist's group. She also found a special someone in her life...

Chapter 2
The New Daniel
One day Angela was taking a shower in the girl's bathroom, and she turned around to notice two red-haired guys watching her. They quickly turned around to pretend they had seen nothing, but it didn't work very well. What a bunch of perverts! The first guy was creepy looking, although the long haired guy was kinda cute, but - what a pervert anyway! It seemed like peeping toms were a factor of Uni life she would have to adapt to. Oh well, she could always close the door in the future. 
As time went by, she began to notice the same long haired guy more and more. His fiery mane and bronzed skin was good at catching her eyesight. As she learned, his name was Daniel LeTourneu, and he was a radical surfer who played by no-one's rules but his own. Despite all this, he always wore the most fancy, three piece suit. Who did he think he is - Angela thought, wearing a suit like that? Sharp suits are for respectable, noble men, not dirty young beach boys like Daniel LeTorneau. It was at this point that Daniel noticed her looking at him, and he approached her.

'I can't help but notice you're looking at my suit.'
'I wasn't looking at your suit.'
'I've had people look at my suit before, I know what it looks like when one looks at my suit.'
'Well, so what if I was looking at your suit?'
'I was just wondering what you think of my suit.'
'I think it's a horrible suit. I don't like suits, they're for people who carry suitcases and work for venture capitalist firms. Wear something else.'
'I plan to be a venture capitalist. That's why I'm majoring in economics.'
The two found themselves arguing every single day. Angela explained, day in and day out, the evils of the capitalist system, highlighting, instead, the benefits of a democratic socialist government. Daniel sat there, preoccupied by her beauty, until everything she said began to sink in. He began going with her on trips to peerless park, he discovered drugs, and his hair began to grow longer. Even though they had had opposing political beliefs, they found they had much in common. They both loved the environment, they both hated politicians and liked healthy food, such as salad with quinoa. Also, they both had big dreams for the future. It was nice for Angela to finally meet someone who had huge ambitions, yet wasn't a complete go-getting snob because of it.
The two began dating, but in order for it to work they had to compromise. Daniel agreed to stop wearing a suit all the time, and Angela agreed to start showering. She felt she had found a soul-mate. Unlike Dustin, whom she saw, in retrospect, she was just dating out of pity, Daniel and her shared a real connection.
Finally, Angela graduated, and during the graduation party, she and Daniel announced their engagement. They had no money and no jobs, but they were young and they had each other. 

And where would they head? Why, back to Pleasantview, to start a new life.
They say that college is the time and place for everything. For some people, everything is just a short fling; a few shots too many and a regrettable incident with a wild animal. For Angela Pleasant and Daniel LeTorneau, everything means the person who you know you will spend the rest of your days with. A happy ending for this couple, or, is it just the beginning? Find out in future episodes of Doug's Declassified History of Pleasantview.

Series 2.1; Episode 2: Bad Luck Burbs

Series 2; Episode 2: 


John Burb was excited, not particularly mournful, about the passing of the town's defacto mayor, Mortimer Goth. After all, this was the time that his political group, the Simulation party could gain momentum. 

The party was originally formed to bring into question Mortimer's ability to govern effectively, and now that he had died, the people of Pleasantview could speak freely as never before, reconsidering just how wonderful and noble Mortimer truly was. The Goth reputation had been tarnished and dirtied, and their history came into reconsideration. This was somewhat tragic, but fortunate for John. The way he saw it, the golden age of the Goth family was over, since Mortimer died without having a true heir. Sure, he had had four children, but they were all disillusioned and estranged. Indeed, the golden age of the Goths was over.

John's family, however, was as solid as a rock. Jennifer was the picture perfect wife, caring about little but fashion and fine cooking; and Lucy was simply the most likable lassie you ever did meet. Brad and Tiffany, John's parents, would be happy had they seen the idyllic vision that Burb tradition sought.

However, things were not quite as idyllic as John had wished. He had, after all, made the unfortunate decision of moving from SimCity to Pleasantview while unemployed. He barely scraped out a living doing campaign work at §37 an hour. 

However, he persisted, and was successful in applying for that internship. This paid §70 per hour, however, the work days were shorter, and he was required to travel to SimCity simply to do errand work for the controller. However, the §840 bonus made Burb comfortable enough to start considering what he could do for his little girl's future. He organized an application for Smuggsworth Prep, inviting over Headmaster Vince Walter for dinner. However, Vince declined the first time, simply because the family didn't have enough money. Heartbroken, Burb chose not to pursue the subject of preparatory education for a while - not until he knew he could afford it.

Much time passed, but John was still stuck with the tedious errand work at SimCity. Why, oh why, he asked, hadn't he just stayed in SimCity? Why did he think it a smart idea to move back to Pleasantview? Sure, it was a beautiful, idyllic community, but hadn't he stopped to consider the costs? It seems that he had not.

Since her father had to spend so much time out of the house, Lucy grew into a terrific young lady, also growing tired of only having Mother for company. She became more and more social with other youths in Pleasantview, such as the Broke boys on Woodland drive, which made John angry. 'Stay away from those kids, they're no good!,' he said. But Lucy didn't stay away.

John soon found out that she was dating one of the younger of the Broke brothers, Beau. Very doubtful of the young man, especially it being that his brother, Dustin, was a petty criminal scumbag loser, John demanded that he meet Beau. His doubts remained, but he didn't stop Lucy from seeing him. Especially, given that he wanted to focus more and more on his internship.

Finally, he got his big break, when a group of lobbyists agreed to bring John on board permanently. They would support the Simulation party, under the conditions that Burb partake in their activities and ventures to the best of his ability. The thousand simoleons up front was an offer Burb couldn't refuse. To this extend, Burb thought he was selling himself out, but he had no choice. He wanted, more than anything, to get Lucy into Smuggsworth, so she wouldn't have to be a later starter like him. Any way he could, John was determined to give his daughter the best.

Big John returned to Pleasantview, and with the support of the lobbyists, declared himself campaign manager of the Simulation party. However, he didn't head straight to work. Rather, he had an old score to settle. With the help of the §5,000 he had amassed, he organized a luscious get-together with Vince Walter. John, now armed with influential charisma, was able to persuade the headmaster that his daughter should attend Smuggsworth.

More good news when Jennifer announced she was pregnant. Soon enough, a young boy joined the family. John decided to name him William, after his grandfather, William Marsh, who had moved out of the city to Old Town, where his daughter, Tiffany, met Brad Burb. Tiffany convinced Brad to live in the city with her, so she could continue her department store job, but Brad grew tired of it, moving back to old town. John named his boy William to symbolize the hectic life he had endured, living in Pleasantview but working in the city. His full name was William Burb II, and would be John's heir. Unlike what happened with Mortimer, John told himself, he would not let his heir escape him. 'You'll make me proud one day,' John said.

To accommodate the growing family, the Burbs moved to a bigger, two story house. However, this had once again drained a lot of money, and the lights didn't work. Family life around this time was hectic. As Lucy's studies multiplied, she also needed a part time job at a gas-station to support the family. Jennifer, on the other hand, was too busy tending to a very needy William.

This culminated when John Burb was elected representative of Pleasantview. He now had his own office at SimCity Council, and was once again spending much of his time out in town. He became preoccupied mostly, with bills and laws which would bring a greater free-market to Pleasantview. However, he was standing alone against the masses. Pleasantview's business was state owned, but John was determined that change. He continued to partner with Mary-Sue Pleasant, and the Simulation party became the new face of Pleasantview. The stress this added to the rest of the family cannot be underestimated. Whenever he did return home, it would mostly be to help Lucy with her studies. She also had a part time out-of-town job as a gold caddy.

Above everything else, Lucy was continuing her relationship with Beau Broke. However, John was becoming increasingly suspicious of Beau, hearing stories of wild parties and possible flings with other girls. If word of this became true, John would organize his banishment from town.

However, above all the stories, Lucy remained faithful. She announced one day that Beau was leaving for college, and she would be going with him. They moved into a dormitory together, where they began their new life.

However, the idealistic young couple were soon to be shaken. Straight after her arrival in college, Lucy's lovely mother, Jennifer, died from a heart attack, and everything changed for the Burb family. William was without a Mother, and John would have to loosen up on his work to take care of the boy. Worst of all, Lucy's introduction to University would always have an unhappy memory about it. Would her love for Beau be enough to leave this unfortunate happening behind?

But this isn't about Beau and Lucy, nor about John. For now we shall make the case in point the young boy, William, who lost something so precious at such an early age, much like Beau. 

John looked at the young boy as he cried at her mother's grave. I am all he has, now, he thought. And he is all I have. You better not let me down, William. If you let me down, you'll be letting your mother down.

What will become of this shattered family? Will John and young William persevere together? How about Beau and Lucy? What if nobodies perseveres and everybody screws up? They might! - find out in future installments of the History of Pleasantview!